''The walls are crumbling around me. It seems as though there's no way to escape. I need to get out. I need to reach some place safe, somewhere I don't need to hide.''
All my life I've been waiting for someone who I could actually hold on to. Someone that I'll mean as much to as he means to me. The truth behind why I'm still alone is that I'm scared. I'm scared of the outcome. I'm scared for tomorrow. I'm so scared for tomorrow that I'm forgetting to live today.
But mostly I'm scared of myself. I'm scared that he won't love me because I don't look good enough or because i'm not a good person. But am I really as beautiful as some people tell me I am? If I am then why doesn't he love me? Am I expecting and hoping for someone that can't be mine? Am I making the same mistake again?
God knows that I've been through a thousand frogs to get to this wonderful prince, but is he my prince? Or is he going to turn out to be someone else's prince and one more of my frogs? Is that even fair? When I see that there are those who are hurting people immensely who still manage to find someone beautiful, why can't I find someone who I wish to keep forever? Why is it that the people who don't want it at all find it right in front of them while I'm still searching?
Is it that hard for me to find someone who loves me for who I am and not really for what i look like but who still thinks I am beautiful? Sometimes I think it is. And then he comes to my rescue again. Just when I need him the most he calls and talks to me like I'm the only person on earth who really matters.
But am I dreaming? Is this going to be one of those nightmares at the end of which I'm going to find myself alone again? Am i going to be the loser? Is my heart going to break? Is it really happening all over again?
I can only, but hope not. As little as hope can seem, it is indeed the greatest gift of God. It turns your frown into a smile, your fear into your greatest achievement and your greatest desire into the reality you've been waiting for all your life.
'Nothing can take him away from me now' cries my heart filled with hope. Filled with the desire that he hears my voice and understands that I love him and that I'll love him till the end of time.
As the clock ticks on, I hear it move, my eyes droop on into a sleep that will take me to a land where we breathe together. Together in peace, together in love and together in hope that someday we'll have the courage to challenge the world and proclaim our love for each other or surely my love for him.
Till then my heart beats silently still...''The walls are crumbling around me. It seems as though there is no escape. I need to get out. I need to reach some place safe, somewhere I don't need to hide.''