For the next few days you just start feeling prettier and prettier. Nothing can bring you down. The jokes cracked at your expense now only hurt if they are from your significant other. The cute boys in college are not that important anymore cause the cutest boy in the world is dating you. How nice the world seems through the eyes of this new found love. It feels like everything you see is wonderful and everything you do is exciting.
Then one day it happens. The silence in the air takes over you for a second and then the noise can't seem to stop getting louder. It grows on you. That beauty has been taken away. Nothing seems pretty anymore, not even the dog at home whom you love so much. The next morning you wake up feeling ugly. You look at your face, UGLY UGLY UGLY. Everything you do seems like the toughest thing and you chose to dramatize every part of your life.
Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe its not anything but your mind that makes you feel all these things. The night before you started dating this ever so amazing guy, you were different right? And the day after that ended you were different right? Isn't that just a bunch of bullshit?
You look pretty. Not cause of that guy, but because you're happy. You're smiling. Thats what really makes you pretty. YOU! Not that guy. You feel ugly cause lets face it, crying and kajal really don't get along. Again, its YOU! Not that guy.
You're beautiful. No matter what. Guys are a bunch of bullshit. They treat you all nice, get into your t-shirt and sometimes your pants and when they find a set of bigger, better boobs they're all nice to that pair again leaving you screaming in pain. But do they really deserve it? NO!
C'mon girls! Have your fun. Have you ever wondered how it is to be in a relationship that is more than just simple PLATONIC??? Well, live it! Date a guy for 6 months and live to one rule...NO TOUCHING!!! Then you'll find a keeper! Don't let him rule you...RULE HIM or very soon you'll find yourself saying, 'what went wrong', 'it hurts so bad', 'i'm a terrible person', etc, etc, and you'll realize you're in yet another RELATIONSHIP CRISIS!!!